
Manx Gaelic Version of The Gruffalo's Child

Although at one time there was little in the way of written material in Manx Gaelic, this has changed dramatically in recent years as the language continues to flourish and demand for material in assorted genre increases.

Neen y Ghruffalo (The Gruffalo’s Child) comes hot on the heels of the recent release of Yn Ghruffalo (The Gruffalo), the classic children’s picture book written by Julia Donaldson and illustrated by Axel Scheffler, which has captured the attention of children all over the world.
The project has been made possible by Culture Vannin together with the financial support of

Lloyds TSB, and includes a CD of the story narrated by Annie Kissack.

Island Director and Head of Banking Operations, Peter Reid, commented, “The publication of the Manx Gaelic version of Neen y Ghruffalo (The Gruffalo’s Child) is something Lloyds TSB is very proud to have supported. It’s further illustration that the language community is vibrant and that the language has a really bright future.”
Translated by Natalie Nic Shim and edited by Chris Sheard, the book is available at many Island bookshops priced at £6.99.
Valerie Caine

© February 2014