The annual Compass Pipelines Peel Traditional Boat Weekend has been extended this year to include the 50th birthday celebrations of the Old Gaffers’ Association, formed in 1963 to promote the Gaff Rig, and promises to be the biggest and best yet.
A Gaffer is a boat with a Gaff Rig (a main sail with four sides) which was largely replaced by the triangular Bermudan Rig in the early twentieth century, and Peel has been designated as the Irish Sea centre for those sailors who are unable to be in Cowes, on the Isle of Wight, for the climax of the celebrations.
Shore-side activities and entertainment will include food demonstrations, Craft Fair, Farmers’ Market, Manx dancing, street artists and live music.
Further details available online.
Valerie Caine © August 2013 (Courtesy of Manx Tails)