
A De-Tailed Account of Manx Cats

Manx cats have long been a source of fascination to both curious onlookers and cat lovers alike, and although now more prevalent in the USA than the Isle of Man, this new book is likely to draw readers from both sides of the Atlantic.
Much has been written about their distinctive characteristics which doggedly link them with the Island, but this inexpensive, little volume would be a purr-fect addition to any bookshelf.
Split into bite-sized morsels devoted to the Manx cat’s history, their contemporary setting and folklore, Sara Goodwins has provided a gently humorous portrayal of this much-loved feline with its untroubled demeanour and curious traits. There’s a selection of anecdotes to whet your appetite and some interesting suggestions as to the possible origin of the singular Manx moggy, not only renowned for its physical attributes, but also as an excellent mouser.
A cat-alogue of useful information, its pages are awash with colourful photos and comical pictures of regional souvenirs, providing an insight into this iconic symbol of the Isle of Man which still holds its appeal in the twenty first century.
Presented to us on innumerable postcards, stamps and mementoes from the once burgeoning visiting industry, the Manx cat has lost none of its attraction, demonstrated recently by a children’s short story competition which attracted several entries, including that of Megan Kneale of St Mary’s RC School in Douglas. Her winning entry entitled Kayt Manninagh has been included in the book.
Available at many Island bookshops – re-tailing at £4.95.
Valerie Caine
© August 2013
(Courtesy of Manx Tails)