
A moment of remembrance

At our recent Board Meeting we took a moment to reflect upon some members who have recently passed away, or the news of their passing has just reached us.

Name of Deceased Date of Death Last Residence Person who notified
Corlett, Richard 25-Sep-18 Suqumish, Washington John Prendergast
Creer,Mona 2017 Orland Park, Il John Prendergast
Ernst, Polly Fargher 2018 California Jack Cormode
Quine, Clarence 12-Feb-18 Strongville, Ohio John Prendergast
Scarffe, Albert Anne Scarffe
Shipman, Elizabeth 1-Mar-18 Richardson, TX James Shipman
Todd, David A 14-Aug-17 Tacoma, WA John Prendergast
Bobnar, Gladys M. 22-Jul-15 Sarasota, FL John Prendergast
Ritter, Jane A. 8-May-19 Rochester, NY John Pendergast
Woodruff, Keig 18-Jan-17 Chicago, ILL Brad Pendergast
Schaitberger, Kristin 25-Jul-19 Chaska, MN Stephen Schaitberger
Avril Shipman 29-July-19 Hyattsville, MD Kelly McCarthy
A note from the Chaplain Stephen Schaitberger:
If you know of someone who has died since our last convention in 2018 please
forward this information to me to include name, date of Death, and last residence.
The same is true for those who need our prayers due to serious illness.
Stephen Schaitberger stephenschaitberger(at)
1402 S. 8th St. 218-330-1402
Brainerd, MN 56401
Persons who are in serious Illness
Palmquist, Anita Member
Standish, Norm Past President
Fargher, Larry Honorary President