
Celebrate the Manx Language at the Cooish Festival

With the number of Manx language speakers increasing in many parts of the Isle of Man, extra opportunities to use the Island’s native tongue are always welcome as interest continues to grow.
This year’s Cooish Festival, to be held early in November, is a great chance for speakers of all ages and fluency to participate in a variety of events across the Island, with an emphasis on fun and enjoyment.
It’s going to be a relaxed and upbeat style of celebration, beginning with teenager Daniel Quayle who will be giving a lecture using the language at the Nunnery Chapel in the form of a magic show, followed by a Manx speaking get-together at the Glue Pot in Castletown.
Events then move on to the north of the Island with a music session at the Mitre Hotel in Ramsey, with an opportunity to pop into the regular Irish music session which will be in full swing in the Captain’s Bar.
But there’s more happening during the weekend with the challenge of an eco-friendly treasure hunt in Manx from Tynwald Hill (either on foot or mountain bike) and a relaxing ceili with supper at St John’s Football Club on Saturday. And to wind down the event on Sunday there’s a Manx Gaelic service at St Mary’s on the Harbour back in Castletown, followed by a quiz night at The Whitehouse in Peel.
For further information about this year’s Cooish Festival visit the Yn Çheshaght Gaelckagh Facebook page.
Valerie Caine
© October 2013