Everything is coming up clover! East Tennessee Celtic Festival & Games is an annual event held the weekend before Halloween. This year it will be Oct. 22 & 23 from 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM each day and a concert Saturday night starting at 6:30 pm. The cost per person is $7 per day or $20 for the weekend which includes the concert which is $12. There will be Music featuring the Screaming Orphans, Scottish Highland Games, Border Collies Herding Sheep, a Children’s Area, the Woad Warrior Cyclo-cross, Adult and Children’s Costume Contests, Clans, Vendors, Food, and lots of fun for the entire family. For more information go to: www.uppereasttncelticsociety.org, call (423) 741-4841, or call Sycamore Shoals State Park (423) 543-5808.