Manx author, Sarah Christian, was led by her own intrinsic curiosity to seek out information about this picturesque and secluded valley, situated in the north-west of the Island, but readily admits that her research has unearthed more questions than it answers.
Beginning with a wonderfully evocative description of the area by David Craine, this book will appeal to historians, walkers and the downright curious, with this informative publication providing directions to the location, which can be tricky to find if you don’t know where to look.
Divided into The Port and the Upper Farm, Sarah had discovered much about the landscape, but knew little of its people. Extensive enquiries, however, transported the author far and wide in a complex genealogical journey of discovery, breathing new life into a deserted neighbourhood.
Glen Dhoo has long been abandoned, but Sarah’s inquisitiveness reveals a resourceful community in this remote and isolated region of the Manx countryside, now only served by occasional walkers and the valley’s own ghosts.
There are still some tantalising puzzles yet to solve, although Sarah has now revealed the story behind the dedication to Margaret Louise Pass found on one of the better preserved tholtans in the glen.
Priced at £6, with sale proceeds donated to Ballaugh Heritage Trust, it’s available from St Paul’s Bookshop, A Novel Experience, Bridge Bookshop, Manx National Heritage, the Lexicon Bookshop and online at Amazon.
Valerie Caine
© October 2013
(Courtesy of Manx Tails)