
I found this. It's really interesting

[pp 1502-1511 from Cubbon – Bibliography, Vol 2, 1939]

[Class L20.]

The Mona’s Relief Society was founded in Cleveland in 1851 by Manx settlers and people of Manx descent in order to provide assistance for members of their community who might meet with misfortune. Three publications are worth noting
1901. Fiftieth Anniversary, Mona’s Relief Society, 1851-1901, Cleveland, Ohio. 192×135 mms, pp. 56. Gives a brief history of Manx emigration to Cuyahoga County, Ohio; and the story of the Mona Relief Society, the Manx Festival and other functions. There are photographs of the pioneer settlers and early members of the Society. L 20, 7550.
1926. Seventy-fifth Anniversary, Mona’s Relief Society, January 29th, 1926. 242×162 mms, pp. 88. Gives a history of Manx settlement in Ohio and of the formation of the Society, with biographical notes and photographs of the early members. L 20, 5312.
1926. Quayle, Amy. The History of Mona’s Relief Society, Cleveland, U.S.A. Ellan Vannin Mag., No. 6, pp. 251-258; No. 7, pp. 277-283; No. 8, pp. 330-336. On p. 335 there is a short note on Mona’s Mutual Benefit Society. L 6.
The Liverpool Manx Society, though originally founded in 1877 (a jubilee Gathering was held in 1927), did not commence its active life until 1896. From 1897 onwards reports of the Annual Meetings were printed, by Manx printers, comprising pp. 8-12 and crown octavo in size. The Library has copies issued between 1897 and 1911, and 1914-18. Special Concert Programmes in connection with the Annual Gatherings have been issued, and in the Library are the issues for 1900 (pp. 40), 1904 (pp. 40) and 1905 (pp. 45), L 20, 4286. A Souvenir Programme of the Grand Concert given by the Douglas Philharmonic Society on Oct. 17th, 1923, was published, price 2d., 212×140 mms, pp. 48. L 20, 1830 and 4606.
The London Manx Society, Yn Cheshaght Manninagh Lunnin, was founded in 1895. A small membership handbook (c. 120×80 mms, pp. 28) is issued annually, containing the rules and a list of members. An article by William Radcliffe entitled, ‘Annals of the London Manx Society,’ appears in Ellan Vannin Mag., No. 4, pp. 150-155, and No. 5, pp. 205-209.
The Manchester Manx Society was formed in October, 1901, and the two following publications are in the Library
1907. Programme of the Seventh Annual Manx Tea Party and Gathering, December 4th, 1907. 235×152 mms, pp. 16. There are reproductions of prints of Castle Rushen and Peel Castle. L 20, 1813.
1910. Ellan Vannin Concert – Souvenir Programme. 260 x 203 mms, pp. xvi, 16. There are photographs of Manx scenes and of the crew of the ill-fated ship, the Ellan Vannin. The cover-design was by Frank S. Graves. L 20, 1814.
The First International Convention of the N.A.M.A. (North American Manx Association) was’ a direct outcome of the great Homecoming of 1927 . . . from this sprang the idea of a similar gathering in the United States in 1928, Canada in 1929, and a greater homecoming to the Island in 1930.’ Conventions have been held each year, and brief notes are given of the Souvenir Programmes published at each. Size 230×155 mms.
1928. Cleveland, Ohio, Aug. 21-25th. Pp. 56. Contents: ‘Home’ (W. R. Creer, 1893) ; Mona’s Relief Society; The Ladies’ Auxiliary; The Mona’s Mutual Benefit Society; The Manx Choral Society; Cleveland; Manx Directory. L 20, 5841.
1929. Toronto, Ontario, August 20-22nd. Pp. 48. Contents: T. E. Brown Centenary Celebration,
1930; Popular Manx Songs; Manx Directory to Toronto; Out-of-Town Manx (Ontario). L 20, 5947.
1930. See W.M.A. Manx Homecoming of 1930, p. 1498.
1931. Buffalo, New York, August 13-15th. Pp. 48. Contents: Photo of President, Mr. Daniel Teare; Buffalo Manx Society; Buffalo City; Aims of the N.A.M.A. L 20, 6950.
1932. London, Ontario, August 29-31st. Pp. 24. Contents: N.A.M.A. President, Dr. J. J. Moore; T. E. Brown; The Isle of Man – Ideal Commonwealth. L 20, 6951.
1933. Chicago, Illinois, August 8-11th. Pp. 40. Contents: President John R. Cain; Chicago Manx Society; A. B. Crookall, Hon. President; Chicago; Revised Constitution of the N.A.M.A.
1934. Windsor, Ontario, August 14-17th. Pp. 48. Contents: President James Y. Mann; Detroit-Windsor Manx Society; A Page from Manx History.
1935. Cleveland, Ohio, August 13-16th. Pp. 56. Contents: Photos of officers and historical notes; Manx Settlement in Cleveland.
1936. Winnipeg, Manitoba, August 4-7th. Pp. 48. Contents: W. D. Moore, J.P.; Convention Committees; Lower Fort Garry; History of the N.A.M.A. and photos of past presidents.
1937. Rochester, New York, August 10-13th. Pp. 56. Contents: Rochester; N.A.M.A. Proposed Manx House at Cleveland; Guardians of the Manx Heritage – T. E. Brown, A. W. Moore, P. M. C. Kermode, William Cubbon, John Joseph Kneen, with portraits;, Manx Folk Dances; Messages from Mannin; In Memoriam (Josephine Kermode) ; Echoes from Pitcairn; The Island Muse. L 20, 7595.
1938. Hamilton, Ontario, August 16-19th. Pp. 44. Contents: President, Richard H. Corkhill; Tynwald; N.A.M.A. Rules; Harry Kelly’s Cottage; Glen Orry Manx Cats. L 20, 8064.
1939. Lincoln, Nebraska.
The N.A.M.A, publishes four or five times in the year a 4 or 8 pp. Bulletin, 280×220 mms, consisting mainly of news and information devoted to the International Conventions, but also containing other interesting matter which is indexed below. The Bulletin was commenced in January, 1929, succeeding a foolscap sheet entitled Manx Convention. Bulletin, of which there were four issues in 1928. This contains an article, which ran through the four issues entitled ‘ The Pioneers,’ and which deals with Manx settlement in the Cleveland region.
Ballaugh: Notables of the North Side, x 4.
Ballavaran and Ballabeg, Romance of (Thos. Stephen), vi 2.
Bishop Wm. Alfred Quayle Memorial, x 2.
Bounty Mutiny, ix 2.
Brown, Rev. T. E., Centenary, ii 5;
Contemporary Manx Life during his Boyhood and Youth, iii 2;
Review by Llewellyn Jones of the Memorial Volume, iii 5.
Callow, Arthur (Toronto), i 5.
Canada, The Manx in (T. W. Quayle), xi 1.
Christian, John E. (Pres. N.A.M.A.), ii 1.
Christmas, Old Manx, x 2.
Christmas in Douglas 50 Years Ago (J. Cannell), ix 1.
Cleveland, viii 5.
Collister, John H. (Cleveland), v 5.
Corkhill, R. H. (Pres. N.A.M.A.), xi 2.
Crookall, Arthur Binns (In Memoriam), viii 5.
‘ Cushag’ (Miss Josephine Kermode), x 3.
Douglas, A Playground for a Century, x 3.
Dreaming of Manxland (Poem), ix 2.
Ellan Vannin, the Isle of Faery (John Henry Quine), ix 2 and subsequent issues.
Four Towns of Manxland in 1798 (Feltham), ix 2.
Future of the N.A.M.A. (John H. Quine), x 4.
Herring, Export of, ix 4.
Homecoming, 1930, Manx Party of S.S. Doric, ii 6.
Homegoing, 1930, Description. of, iii 1.
Illinois, Manx Pioneers in, iii 5.
Indianapolis, Manx Settlement in, i 3.
Kelly, Art. B. (N.A.M.A. Sec.), vi 2.
Kelly, Thomas Cowen (Illinois), viii 2.
Laxey Primitive Methodist Church, Wisconsin (James H. Killey), x 5.
Los Angeles Manx Society, History of, x 4.
Manx in Canada (T. W. Quayle), xi 1.
Manxmen Abroad, ix 2.
Manx Party’s Visit to America, 1935, viii 4.
Memories (James H. Killey), Laxey P.M. Church, Wisconsin, x 5.
Montreal Society’s 25th Anniversary, x 3.
Moore, Dr. J. J. (Chicago), i 3.
Moore, William Dawson (Montreal), ix 1.
Northeastern Ohio Pioneers (Emma Munn Cowle), ix 2.
Notables of the North Side, the Parish of Ballaugh, x 4.
Pioneers, A
Glimpse of the, xi 4. Pioneers in Illinois, iii 5
Proverbs, ix 2, 3, 4, x 2.
Quayle, Bishop William Alfred, Memorial, x 2.
Quiggin, Orrin, honoured on 103rd birthday, vi 2.
Rochester Manx Society formed, iii 9.
Romance of Ballavaran and Ballabeg (Thos. Stephen), vi 2.
Self -Government, 1000 years of, ix 3.
Taggarts (Ramsey) in Indianapolis, i 13.
Teare, Daniel (Los Angeles), biographical note, ii 2.
Teare, Mrs. Daniel (Los Angeles), vi 2.
Teare, Thomas R. (Cleveland), i 4.
‘Thomas Edward Brown: A Memorial Volume, 1830-1930,’ review by Llewellyn Jones, iii 5.
Transatlantic ‘Phone Call, Douglas tc Cleveland, ii 4.
Visit of H.M. Attorney-General R. B. Moore and Mr. J. D. Qualtrough, Speaker, x 1.
Visit of Manx Party, 1935, viii 4.
Other miscellaneous publications dealing with the Manx people abroad are listed below in datal order:-
1827. Letter from Manx emigrant in Geauga County, Leroy Township, Ohio, dated Nov. 18th, 1826, in Manks Advertiser, Jan. 18th, 1827. Also Manks Advertiser, Jan. 25th, 1827.
1827. Letter from a Jurby emigrant, William Kelly, in Manks Advertiser, Feb. 8th, 1827.
1827. Letters from Manx emigrants in U.S.A., signed John Tear, William Tear, Patrick Tear, and William Kelly. In Manks Advertiser, Feb. 15th, 1827. Also leading article in same issue.
1827. Letter from Manxman in Montreal, Canada, dated Aug. 28th, 1827. In Manks Advertiser, Oct. 11th, 1827.
1848-49. Paragraphs on emigration in Manx Sun, March 1st, 1848; Feb. 7th, 1849; April 4th, 1849; April 11th, 1849; April 25th, 1849; and May 2nd, 1849.
1851. Cashin, James (late of Ballasalla). Letter, one col., dated Melbourne, Sept. 20th, 1850, in Manx Sun, May 17th, 1851. Gives a list of the Manxmen in Melbourne, Australia.
1878. Early Emigrations to America in the ship ‘ Nimrod.’ Mona’s Herald, Aug. 14th, Aug. 21st, and Aug. 28th.
1883. Kerruish, W. S. The Pioneer Manxmen. Typescript copy of article in ‘The Annals of the Early Settlers’ Association,’ 1883. Pp. 5. L 20, 3797.
1885. Cannell, Thomas, of Kirk Michael. Note in Manx Notebook, vol. 1, p. 27. L 6.
1897. Manxmen in Chicago. The Manxman (Hartley), vol. viii, no. 103, p. 7. L 6.
1899. A Manx Colony in Ireland. The Manxman (Hartley), vol. xvi, no. 202, p. 16. L 6.
1899. A Manx Gathering at Johannesburg – Manx Association Formed. The Manxman (Hartley), vol. xvii, no. 219, p. 4. L 6.
1901. Moore, A. W. Manx Worthies, see Bib., p. 654. Contains a section entitled ‘Emigrants,’ pp. 205-213, and the following are mentioned: Rose and Barbara Standish, William and Jonathan Christian, the emigration to Cleveland, Thomas Quayle, John Quayle Cannon, William Kermode, Robert Quayle Kermode, Benjamin Michael Freer. G 4, 2824.
1904. Broadbent, S. K. Mona to Australasia: Letters to the I.M. Examiner. 1/-. 254×194 mms, pp. 26. L 20, 1553.
1904. Corlett, William Thomas. A Treatise on the Acute, Infectious Exanthemata. Pp. 392, Plates 50. F. A. Davies, Philadelphia. G 88, 7069.
190-. Arman, Sarah Quirk. A Pioneer Family. Photostat copy, 155 x 100 mms, pp. 16. A brief account of the early settlement in America of the Caley family. L 20, 7617.
1907. The late Thomas Callow, ex-Pres. of the Liverpool Manx Society, with portrait. In Manx Quarterly, vol. i, no. 1, pp. 28-30. L 6.
1908. Quine, Rev. J. Manxmen in Liverpool. In Manx Quarterly, vol. i, no. 4, p. 353. L 6.
1908. Stovell, M. T. Wattersons’ Bank, California. In Manx Quarterly, no. 5, p. 465. L 6.
1908. The American Tropics – Notes from the Log of a Midwinter Cruise. Pp. 221. Cleveland, The Burrows Brothers Co. G 88, 7066.
1908.-Cain, Captain W. S. Autobiography, and Sketches of Relatives. Reminiscences of 1861-65. Settlement of the Cain family in Atchison, Kansas. Pp. 126. G. 88, 1356.
1912. Manx-American’s Splendid Career (William S. Ker- ruish, Cleveland). In Manx Quarterly, no. 11, p. 1014. L 6. 1914. Manx American builds Church (Humphrey S. Tag- gart). Manx Quarterly, no. 13, vol. ii, p. 142. L 6. 1915. Kerruish, W. S. Reminiscences of Manx Pioneers (in Cleveland, U.S.A.). Mannin, vol. iii, no. 5, pp. 275-278. Describes the earliest emigration to Northern Ohio, c. 1825-30.
1918. Corlett, William Thomas. The People of Orrisdale and Others. Family Sketches. Pp. 90, illus. The story and genealogy of the Corletts of Orrisdale and their settlement in America. G 88, 7065.
1920. Corlett, William Thomas. Reminiscences, Cleveland, 1920. Pp. 420, illus. G 88, 7068.
1921. The Cleveland Savings and Loan Company. Organised 1896, twenty-fifth anniversary. 215 x 140 mms, pp. 32. Outline of the aims of the Company, and photographs of the Directors.
1921. Moore, Ramsey B. Manxmen in America. In Manx Quarterly, no. 24, Jan., 1921, pp. 43-44. L 6.
1924. Cowell, Robert. Obit. in Evening World Herald, Omaha, Nebraska, June 20th, 1924. In G 88, 3351.
1925. Ballarat’s Industries – Kelly and Preston. Ballarat Courier, July 18th, 1925.*
1926. Crellin, James. Letter from Brisbane. I.M. Examiner, January 1st, 1926.*
1926.Collister, Rev. Joseph Quayle. Manx-Americans in Cleveland, and Manxmen I Have Met in Cleveland. I.M. Examiner.*
1926. Cannon, Joseph Gurney. Biographical Notice in a Cleveland Newspaper, November 13th, 1926.*
1927. Leece, J. E. A Manx Pioneer in Australia (John Quirk, Tumbulgum, Tweed River, N.S.W.). In Ellan Vannin, no. 7, Jan., 1927, pp. 288-291, with portrait of Mr. and Mrs. Quirk. L 6.
1929. Teare, W. H. (Pres., Mona’s Relief Society), Obit. I.M. Times, January 5th, 1929.
1929. Corlett, Thomas. A Manx-Australian Pioneer, Ramsey Courier, January 5th, 1929.
1929. Corlett, Judge Alva R. Cleveland Press, July, 1929.
1929. Cannell, Thomas. Death of Veteran Manx-American. I.M. Examiner, Sept. 27th, 1929.
1930. Partridge, Captain Otto. Manxman in the Yukon. I.M. Examiner, July 4th, 1930.
1930. Cannell, Hugh. The Great Manxman of Montreal. I.M. Times, July 12th, 1930.
1930. Kelly, J. J., of Cleveland. Obit., I.M. Times, July 19th and Aug. 9th, 1930.
1930. Quiggin, Orrin. A Centenarian. Cleveland Press, October, 1930.
1930. Cubbon, John. Sixty Years in Santa Ana. I.M. Times, December 27th, 1930, and March 14th, 1931.
1931. Collister, Judge Clucas. Prominent Cleveland Manx- man. Obit. I.M. Times, Feb. 7th, 1931.
1931. Cannell, W. S. Old Manxmen in the U.S.A. (John Cubbon and Dan Boyd of Santa Ana, Calif.) I.M. Times, March 28th, 1931.
1931. Moore, Wm. John. Manx Pioneer in New Zealand. Obit. Peel Guardian, June 27th, 1931.
1931. Watterson, William W. Boat-builder on the Great Lakes. I.M. Times, August 22nd, 1931.
1932. Norris, S. Manx Emigration (Recollections and Reviews). Douglas Weekly Diary, April 30th, 1932. L 6.
1934. Corlett, William Thomas. Medical Miscellany-Mainly Historical. Pp. 148. Published by the author. G 88, 7067.
1935. Corlett, William Thomas. The Medicine-Man of the American Indian and his Cultural Background. Pp. 369, illus. Charles C. Thomas, 1935. G 88, 7393.
1935. Nebraska Manxman, vol. 1, June 12th, 1935. 380 x 280 mms, pp. 4. Official paper of the Nebraska Manx Association. Contains a long article on the I.M. by Elizabeth Kelly, of Nebraska City. L 20, 7255.
1935. Thomas Kelly and Famaly’s Journal. Being the Diary of one Thomas Kelly of Jurby, who settled in the States in 1827. Reprinted from the I.M. Examiner, 1935. 6d. 182 x 121 mms, pp. 19. L 20, 7399.
1935. Interesting Facts and Old Memories of the Isle of Man. A Fireside Cooish with the Manx Museum Committee, Eighth International Convention of the N.A.M.A., 1935. 280 x 215 mms, pp. 30. Sketches by Joseph Cannell, articles by various contributors.’Ohio Cottage’ (W. H. Collister) and `Early Pioneer Days’ (James Kewley) have reference to emigration. L 20, 7
1936. Teare, Cecil. Impressions of America. Ramsey Courier, April 24th, 1936.
1937. Corlett, William Thomas. Biographical Sketch. Town and Country Review, May, 1937, p. 46.
1937. Lace, J. Dale. Pioneers in Johannesburg. Obit. Rand Daily Mail, June 7th and 8th, 1937.
1937. The Manx at Rochester. Tenth Convention of N.A.M.A. I.M. Weekly Times, Sept. 25th, 1937. Bound-up copy in section L 20.
1937. Gale, Alderman F. Visit to America. I.M. Weekly Times, Nov. 27th, 1937. Bound-up copy in section L 20.
1938. Manxmen We are Proud of – Mr. Daniel Corlett, Mayor of Johannesburg. I.M. Times, April 23rd, 1938, p. 12.
1938. Manx Societies and Their Secretaries. I.M. Times, June 4th, 1938, p. 13.
1938. Mr. Matthias M. Cowley – His Emigration with the Mormons. Ramsey Courier, August 26th, 1938, p. 3, and I.M. Times, August 27th, 1938, p. 17.
1938. Montagu Norman’s Manx Ancestry. I.M. Times, October 8th, 1938, p. 10.
1938. Corlett, William Thomas. Blazing the Trail. Reprint from Ohio State Medical Journal, Vol. 34, No. 2, pp. 185-187. G 88, 7930.
1939. Manx Pioneers-Early Settlers Who Made Good. Ramsey Courier, June 30th, 1939. (Manxmen of Peoria and Brimfield, U.S.A.)
1939. New Manx Society formed – Auckland, New Zealand. I.M. Examiner, June 23, 1939, p. 14.
1939. Tyson, James Colquitt, Musician and Poet. I.M. Examiner, June 30th, 1939, p. 13.
Items marked * will be found in a collection of news-cuttings in Section L 20 of the Library.


Below is a guide to the copious references to Manx Societies abroad which appeared in the Manx Quarterly, 1907-22, and later in Ellan VanninMagazine, 1923-28. The first number denotes the number of the issue, the second that of the volume, and the third the page. In E.V. Mag. the number of issue and page only are given.
Accrington and District: 13 ii 83; 14 ii 230; 15 ii 345; 17 iii 26; 18 iv 94; 21 v 138; 22 v 216; 26 vi 165; 29 vii 90; E.V. ii 97, vii 309, viii 354.
Barrow-in-Furness: 2 i 110; 4 i 322; 6 i 565; 11 i 998; 12 ii 67; 14 ii 230; 15 ii 424; 17 iii 28; 18 iv 93; 19 iv 195; 20 iv 322; 21 v 136; 22 v 212; 23 v 297; 24 vi 59; 25 vi 104; 26 vi 174; 27 vi 272; 28 vii 29; 29 vii 87; E.V. ii 94, viii 352.
Birmingham: 22 v 216; 24 vi 61; 26 vi 164; 28 vii 30; E.V. ii 95, v 230.
Burnley and District: E.V. ii 97, vi 265, vii 308, viii 356.
Liverpool: 2 i 106; 4 i 303-317; 6 i 559; 7 i 655; 8 i 742; 10 i 916-925; 11 i 994; 12 i 1097-1108; 13 ii 47; 14 ii 226; 15 ii 338; 17 iii 27; 18 iv 79; 19 iv 187; 21 v 123; 29 vii 85; E.V. ii 96, iii 146, vi 267, viii 353.
London: 4 i 320; 6 i 565; 7 i 659; 9 i 857; 10 i 915; 11 i 996; 12 i 1164; 13 ii 55; 14 it 222; 15 ii 342; 16 ii 421; 17 iii 22; 18 iv 82-93; 19 iv 189; 20 iv 319; 21 i 125-133; 22 v 210; 23 v 294; 24 vi 57; 25 vi 102; 26 vi 162, 169; 27 vi 270; 28 vii 22; 29 vii 82; E.V. it 92, iii 145, iv 189, viii 352.
Manchester: 4 i 318; 7 i 662; 10 i 909; 12 i 1160;, 13 ii 64; 14 ii 155; 227; 19 iv 193; 20 iv 324; 21 v 133; 22 v 213; 23 v 296; 24 vi 60; 27 vi 273; 28 vii 27; 29 vii 85; E.V. ii 96, iv 190, viii 352.
Edinburgh: Inaugural meeting, 19 iv 194; 20 iv 326; 21 v 138; 22 v 214; 25 vi 109; 26 vi 164; 28 vii 28; 29 vii 88; E.V. ii 92, iii 145, iv 192, v 230, vii 310.
Glasgow: 25 vi 108; 28 vii 31; 28 vii 43; 29 vii 88; E.V. ii 94, iv 191, v 230.
Brantford (Ontario) : 15 ii 350; 16 ii 429.
London (Ontario): 11 i 995; 12 i 1177; 24 vi 62; 25 vi 110; 26 vi 166; 28 vii 42; E.V. viii 354.
Montreal: Inaugural meeting, 11 i 1001; 12 i 1165; 13 ii 69; 14 ii 238; 15 ii 351; 16 ii 425; 17 iii 36; 22 v 218; 23 v 299; 24 vi 62; 26 vi 166; 27 vi 274; 28 vii 32; 29 vii 91.
Toronto: Inaugural meeting, 13 ii 71; 14 ii 240; 15 ii 349.
Vancouver: 6 i 553; 7 i 660; 8 i 745; 9 i 854; 10 i 904; 11 i 1002; 12 i 1171; 13 ii 77; 14 ii 234;,15 ii 346; 17 iii 34; 18 iv 95; 19 iv 200; 20 iv 325; 23 v 300; 27 vi 274; 29 vii 89; E.V. ii 95, iii 144, vi 269.
Victoria (Brit. Columbia) : 12 i 1170; 29 viii 92.
Winnipeg (Manitoba): 11 i 1008; 12 i 1169; 13 ii 73; 17 iii 38.
Buffalo (N.Y.): Inaugural meeting, 13 ii 82; 19 iv 201.
Butte: E.V. iv 185, v 229, vi 265, 266, viii 355.
Chicago (Illinois): 2 i 111; 4 i 326; 5 i 470; 6 i 554, 567; 12 i 1168; 14 ii 246; 15 ii 353; 17 iii 37; 24 vi 61; 29 vii 89.
Cleveland (Ohio): 4 i 327; 7 i 663; 8 i 749; 11 i 1000; 12 i 1176; 13 ii 76; 14 ii 241; 15 ii 352; 16 ii, 426, 427; 17 iii 37; 19 iv 202; 26 vi 167; 28 vii 33, 41; E.V. iv 185, 187, v 30, vii 309.
Galva (Illinois): 10 i 906; 14 ii 246; 15 ii 356; 21 v 140.
Ishpeming (Mich.): 15 ii 345.
London (Calif.): 13 ii 81.
Los Angeles (Calif.): E.V. i 30, vii 308, viii 355.
Middle West (Kansas): 5 i 470; 6 i 567; 7 i 663; 8 i 751; 9 i 858; 10, i 908; 12 i 1173; 13 ii 80; 14 ii 244; 16 ii 428.
Seattle (Wash.): 20 iv 326; 23 v 305.
Transvaal Manx Association: 4 i 323; 5 i 468; 7 i 661; 8 i 747; 9 i 856; 10 i 907; 12 i 1166, 1174; 13 ii 78; 15 ii 354; 16 ii 430; 17 iii 32; 19 iv 201, 203; 23 v 301; E.V. viii 352.
Cobalt: 12 i 1178.
Melbourne: Inaugural meeting, 15 ii 357; 20 iv 325; 21 v 139; 22 v 218; 23 v 299; 26 vi 166; 27 vi 273; 28 vii 32; 28 vii 43; 29 vii 90; E.V. i 30.
Queensland: 15 ii 355; 17 iii 38; 22 v 217; 27 vi 295; 28 vii 42; 29 vii 119.
Sydney, N.S.W.: Inaugural meeting, 11 i 1007; 12 i 1172; 23 v 300; 28 vii 33; E.V. ii 93, iii 144, iv 187, vi 268.
Inaugural meeting, 11 i 1005; 14 ii 245; (Christchurch) E.V. vi 266.