This year’s annual commemoration at Hango Hill, situated between Derbyhaven and Castletown, attracted a good-sized crowd who gathered to hear a number of speakers in almost perfect weather conditions.
An estimated 100 people assembled into a semi-circle to hear a variety of speakers address the crowd with a passionate discourse, reflecting a number of topics and injecting some of their own observations into current debate.
Proceedings were started by Bernie Moffatt (Celtic League/Mec Vannin) before the crowd heard the two main speakers, Cesar Joughin of Peel who gave the Manx oration and President of the London Manx Society, Alastair Kneale, who gave an independent speech in English.
Local musician, Tom Callister (Barrule/Mec Lir) laid the annual floral tribute at the base of Hango Hill, also known as Mount Strange, before Mark Kermode (Mec Vannin) closed the proceedings with some final comments.
At the conclusion of the commemoration there was an opportunity to extend the afternoon by either going to the Glue Pot in Castletown for a pint and a music session, or attending a Service of Commemoration for the life of Illiam Dhone at Malew Parish Church.
Valerie Caine
© January 2015