
Marina plans for Port St. Mary to cost £40 million

LOOKING AT THE PLANS: Bart Harris of Birse Coastal Contractors, Ian George Hyder Consultants and Mike Brew, the director of harbours 
THE debate about whether Port St Mary gets a marina continues as the Department of Infrastructure’s latest plan was open for public display in St Mary’s church hall last Thursday and Friday.

The Department of Infrastructure plans to develop its harbour improvement scheme in three phases.

The first involves essential harbour maintenance and strengthening of the Alfred pier breakwater with rock armour on the seaward side at a cost of between £6m and £8m. The second phase involves building an 80m extension – an increase of 50 per cent – to the breakwater that would cost between £7m and £9m.

The third and most controversial stage involves creating the marina itself and includes building an additional pier from the inner harbour towards the (now extended) Alfred pier, creating 450 berths, 460 car parking spaces, boat parks and areas for buildings to be developed. The estimated cost at of that phase would be from £23m to £25m.
