With scenic views of the Isle of Man becoming increasingly popular, a selection of desktop calendars, newly available for 2014, would make an ideal stocking filler this Christmas, and brighten up the office on any day of the year.
Designed by local photographer, John Bennett, his distinctive style has resulted in two compact desk calendars, one featuring a range of f
amiliar scenes focusing on different areas of the Island and the other concentrating exclusively on his home town of Peel.
John employs a layering technique to his images, which result in a number of dramatic and vibrant scenes, which quickly absorb the viewer into the landscape with their colourful imagery; reminding us how beautiful the Island can be during any season.
Their compact arrangement allows for quick reminders to be written on the reverse of the monthly picture with the outer casing doubling as a sturdy display stand, bringing a splash of colour to those dismal days when the sun doesn’t shine!
Both calendars, which are printed locally, show the Isle of Man at its best, and are a perfect size for a small, padded envelope, and would make a great gift for friends or family living off the Island.
They’re available from a wide selection of outlets in Peel, or direct from John’s website.
Valerie Caine
© December 2013
(Courtesy of Manx Life)