
New Manx Gaelic TT Phrase Guide Available

With this year’s TT races well underway, Culture Vannin has released an updated version of their successful Manx Gaelic guide, which provides a variety of key phrases for visiting bikers.

The guide, which has been supported by local mobile phone company Sure IOM, contains translations for phrases such as ‘mist on the mountain road’ (Kay er Giat y Clieau) and ‘Mad Sunday’ (Jedoonee Keoi).

Adrian Cain, Manx Language Officer for Culture Vannin, commented, “We hope people will enjoy these TT guides and use them as a light-hearted introduction to the language.”

Guides will be available from all branches of Sure IOM located in Douglas, Ramsey and Port Erin.

The company’s ongoing support for the Manx language has included financial assistance for the popular Learn Manx App available from Google Play and iTunes. Downloaded over 4,000 times, it includes the TT as a key theme in the language learning process.

Phrases used in the guide will also be used as part of Adrian’s 1,000 Manx words challenge during this year’s Island of Culture celebrations, as well as being tweeted @greinneyder during TT fortnight.

Culture Vannin is also running a series of short videos during the festival which will include Manx phrases spoken by some of the top riders, such as John McGuinness and Dan Kneen. The videos can be found on the Learn Manx Facebook page, on YouTube or by following Adrian Cain on twitter.

For further information contact Adrian Cain:-

Phone – 07624 451098

Email –
Twitter – @greinneyder


Valerie Caine

© June 2014