A recent workshop organised by the Isle of Man Family History Society in conjunction with Manx National Heritage, proved very successful with sixteen members of the organisation taking the opportunity to
learn more about recent innovation within the Reading Room and Library and Archives at the Manx Museum.
Society member Sarah Christian, who also works in the Reading Room, took charge of the afternoon workshop, guiding everyone through various resources readily available, such as manuscripts, online data and printed material.
Once the presentation was completed, members split into three groups, and together with two of Sarah’s colleagues, explored different areas, including use of digital equipment and new film readers, accessible information located in the Reading Room and a fascinating tour of the Manx Museum’s archives, kept over several floors in specially controlled conditions.
The long established Reading Room at the Manx National Heritage is a veritable treasure trove for any budding genealogist, with a tantalising array of card indexes and database records, as well as diaries and memoirs prepared for the online catalogue. Photographs, prints and plans are also available together with the revealing Folk Life Survey, periodicals, pamphlets, scrapbooks and availability of deeds. The now well established iMuseum online, particularly with its remarkable, historical newspaper collection, has proved to be an invaluable resource and is freely available at the museum, or from the comfort of your home using a tiered payment system.
Additionally, it’s also possible to use Find My Past at no cost, which may reveal new lines of enquiry, or confirm previous beliefs.Sarah explained the growing resources available on the ‘Familysearch’, website including unindexed images of probate records (wills).
At the close of the session there was an opportunity to speak with staff, continue with on-going research, or take refreshment at The Bay Room Restaurant situated within the Manx Museum building.
If you would like to join the Isle of Man Family History Society please contact them at iomfhs.im.
Valerie Caine
© August 2018